Sunday 9th, February 2025
Department of
Civil Engineering

Faculty Profiles

Dr. Ahmed Bilal

Chairperson / Assistant Professor

Qualification: PhD Hydraulics and River Dynamics (Hohai University, China, 2020)
Research Interests: Sediment Transport, Hydraulic Modeling, Numerical Simulation

Tel: 905525216-17 Ext. 223
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Taimur Mazhar Sheikh

Assistant Professor (On study leave)

Qualification: PhD Civil Engineering, 2021, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Research Interests: Concrete Nanoreinforcement/Sustainable Cementitious Materials

Tel: (051) 905525216-17 Ext. 218
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Muhammad Haroon

Assistant Professor

Qualification: MEngg Civil Engineering (Structures), 2011, NEDUET, Karachi
Research Interests: Earthquake Engineering, Structural Engineering, Construction Materials, Material Testing

Tel: (051) 905525216-17 Ext. 222
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Shoaib Muhammad


Qualification: MS Urban Infrastructure, 2017, UET Peshawar, Ph.D. in progress
Research Interests: Surveying, Sustainable Systems, Multi Criteria Analysis, Solid Waste management System, Environmental Engineering

Tel: (051) 905525216-17 Ext. 223
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Arsalan Raza


Qualification: MS Transportation Engineering, 2018, UET Taxila
Research Interests: Pavement Material

Tel: (051) 905525216-17 Ext. 223
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Bilal Masood


Qualification: MS Structural Engineering, 2019, UET Taxila
Research Interests: Sustainable Materials for Construction, Design, and Analysis of Structures

Tel: (051) 905525216-17 Ext. 225
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Syed Salman Ahmed Zaidi


Qualification: MS Water Resource & Irrigation Engineering, 2022, UET Taxila
Research Interests: Global Water Resources

Tel: (051) 905525216-17
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Zeshan Zulifqar


Qualification: MS Mathematics, 2018, NUST, Islamabad
Research Interests: Computational Mathematics

Tel: (051) 905525216
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Muhammad Umer Zahid


Qualification: MS Construction Engineering and Management, 2022, UW, Wah Cantt
Research Interests: Structural Engineering

Tel: (051) 905525216-17
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Shafqat Abbas


Qualification: MS Construction Engineering and Management, 2022, UW, Wah Cantt
Research Interests: Risk Management in Construction

Tel: (051) 905525216-17
Email: [email protected]

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Wah Engineering College, Quaid Avenue, Wah Cantt-47040, Pakistan


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