Sunday 9th, February 2025
Directorate of
Student Affairs

About DSA

Directorate of Student Affairs overlook and manage the on-campus student’s co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of approved clubs and societies as well as facilitate their participation in inter-university, regional and national level events to improve their physical and mental health, abstract thinking as well as to impart self-confidence and leadership traits in students.

Directorate of Student Affairs also provide carrier counselling with the aim of providing a platform to students in order to assist/guide them in formulating and achieving positive personal, educational and career goals. With a clear focus and commitment, the multidisciplinary team of DSA includes counselors, psychologists, career advisors and job specialists who specialize in preparing students to meet the professional/practical challenges within and outside the University. They are fully committed to enhance students’ ability to make the best use of their potentials, skills and resources in a balanced psychological profile.

Directorate of Student Affairs also provides psychological counselling to students undergoing strenuous academic programs in a university, at times require psychological counseling for optimal academic performance. Minor psychological stresses and strains ranging from petty family disputes to on-campus adjustment problems can severely affect normal psychological growth. Attention to such crucial issues can significantly enhance the comfort level of the student and also do wonders to their academic performance.

Directorate of Student Affairs groom students to enhance their selection prospects as national and international workforce as well as postgraduate educational programs around the world. I sincerely hope that the Directorate will succeed in achieving the tall objectives that it has set for itself.

Our Services

  • Coordination between Societies and Students.
    • Directorate of Student Affairs overlook and manage the on-campus student’s co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of approved clubs and societies as well as facilitate their participation in inter-university, regional and national level events to improve their physical and mental health, abstract thinking as well as to impart self-confidence and leadership traits in students.
  • Career Counselling
    • Directorate of Student Affairs also provide career counselling with the aim of providing a platform to students in order to assist/guide them in formulating and achieving positive personal, educational and career goals. With a clear focus and commitment, the multidisciplinary team of DSA includes counselors, psychologists, career advisors and job specialists who specialize in preparing students to meet the professional/practical challenges within and outside the University. They are fully committed to enhance students’ ability to make the best use of their potentials, skills and resources in a balanced psychological profile.
  • Psychological Counselling
    • Directorate of Student Affairs also provides psychological counselling to students undergoing strenuous academic programs in a university, at times require psychological counseling for optimal academic performance. Minor psychological stresses and strains ranging from petty family disputes to on-campus adjustment problems can severely affect normal psychological growth. Attention to such crucial issues can significantly enhance the comfort level of the student and also do wonders to their academic performance.

Connect with us

Wah Engineering College, Quaid Avenue, Wah Cantt-47040, Pakistan


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